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All literary content presented on this website has been copyrighted.

In the event that you wish to make use of any of the material displayed, I will try to be as accommodating as possible. Inquiries regarding possible publishing of material in its entirety or excerpts thereof are always welcome. For details, please contact me directly at



Upcoming release - Fall 2015

Short description

“Eismänner ist eine amüsante Geschichte von Torsten und Natascha Wintersenn, einem jungen (oder jung gebliebenem?) Paar, die es zwar gut miteinander meinen aber dennoch ihre gemeinsame Gegenwart nur mit Hilfe von soufflierenden Stimmen aus ihrer Vergangenheit meistern. Die Geschichte ist die kurzweilige Chronologie eines Sommerausflugs nach Bozen, losgelöst von den vielen Zwängen, die mit dem beruflichen Alltag in der hessischen Heimat einhergehen. Während Torsten schlicht meint, sich die Woche Urlaub redlich verdient zu haben, denkt Natascha leider etwas anders hierüber: Sie sieht in diesem Kurztrip die Chance und auch die Notwendigkeit gekommen, das von ihr durch Torstens Unachtsamkeit erlittene Unrecht zu sühnen. Und ganz nebenbei hat sie unverhofft auch noch eine Mission im Namen ihrer besten Freundin zu erfüllen. So kommen sie an einem späten Samstagnachmittag am Hotel in Bozen an, in trauter Zweisamkeit zwar, aber gleichzeitig telefonisch mit den jeweiligen Ex verbunden, um im entscheidenden Augenblick Hilfe aus dem Off zu holen…” © Upcoming Fall 2015


Paperback & Kindle edition – September 2012

Short description

“At its inception, the story of BlindFaith 2.0.50 was inspired by the idea of picking a time in the not-too- distant future and then trying to imagine what consequences many of the developments of our present world might lead to, whether intentionally or otherwise. Who will we be? is a question which seems to perpetuate itself in this scenario as issues of identity become more complex instead of becoming simpler. Or, equally intriguing: What will make us that way? Of course we know that technology will indisputably play a role but the real truth is that we will decide the face of our future by choosing whether and how to embrace an ever-accelerating technological development or alternatively, through rejection. And if a majority elect to literally subjugate themselves to it, what implications does this have for those who choose not to? Is freedom in such an environment then only attainable at the cost of conformity? The outlines of a domain-state such as Libertyville@Esperantia can arguably be seen already today. It’s a place where borders can be drawn anytime for any number of reasons: economic, cultural, ideological or theological, for example. It’s a place where the collective WE easily feels threatened by some vague apparition which differs disturbingly from the mainstream: THEM. It’s a place where a system or elements of its society claim possession of exclusive wisdom or an irrefutable logic which remains hidden to outsiders, real or perceived. It’s a place where the simple act of asking questions can undermine a collective form of enlightened happiness. And where a crudely rational, populist state is endowed with the authority to enforce a common standard of everything from civil liberties to happiness.” © 2012 Published 2012 by August von Goethe Literaturverlag, Frankfurt am Main | ISBN-10: 3837211134 | ISBN- 13: 978-3837211139


Paperback – 2015

Short description

“The text and prose contained in this collection goes back in time as far as the early 1980s. Some of the texts contained in Nightscapes from Afar are coolly-distant observations which could serve as the vehicle for a pop song, for example, while others stand out as deeply personal. Taken together, they paint a picture in which the intensity, the gravity at the centre of the early first-person narrations is successively deconstructed, becoming something similar to pinpoints of light within the constellations of an overall much larger scheme of things. While the first-person significance may seem to diminish in this comparison, the order contained within this bigger picture benefits directly from the structure provided by each individual perspective.” ©2015
tomasz tatum   |   |   +49 871 975 06 793   |   LEGAL DISCLOSURE   |   DATA PROTECTION 
Excerpt: Nightscapes from Afar (English) upcoming
Foto: Tomasz Tatum Sprache ändern: Deutsch Sprache ändern: Deutsch



Upcoming release - Fall 2015

Short description

“Eismänner ist eine amüsante Geschichte von Torsten und Natascha Wintersenn, einem jungen (oder jung gebliebenem?) Paar, die es zwar gut miteinander meinen aber dennoch ihre gemeinsame Gegenwart nur mit Hilfe von soufflierenden Stimmen aus ihrer Vergangenheit meistern. Die Geschichte ist die kurzweilige Chronologie eines Sommerausflugs nach Bozen, losgelöst von den vielen Zwängen, die mit dem beruflichen Alltag in der hessischen Heimat einhergehen. Während Torsten schlicht meint, sich die Woche Urlaub redlich verdient zu haben, denkt Natascha leider etwas anders hierüber: Sie sieht in diesem Kurztrip die Chance und auch die Notwendigkeit gekommen, das von ihr durch Torstens Unachtsamkeit erlittene Unrecht zu sühnen. Und ganz nebenbei hat sie unverhofft auch noch eine Mission im Namen ihrer besten Freundin zu erfüllen. So kommen sie an einem späten Samstagnachmittag am Hotel in Bozen an, in trauter Zweisamkeit zwar, aber gleichzeitig telefonisch mit den jeweiligen Ex verbunden, um im entscheidenden Augenblick Hilfe aus dem Off zu holen…” © Upcoming Fall 2015



Paperback & Kindle edition – September 2012

Short description

“At its inception, the story of BlindFaith 2.0.50 was inspired by the idea of picking a time in the not-too-distant future and then trying to imagine what consequences many of the developments of our present world might lead to, whether intentionally or otherwise. Who will we be? is a question which seems to perpetuate itself in this scenario as issues of identity become more complex instead of becoming simpler. Or, equally intriguing: What will make us that way? Of course we know that technology will indisputably play a role but the real truth is that we will decide the face of our future by choosing whether and how to embrace an ever-accelerating technological development or alternatively, through rejection. And if a majority elect to literally subjugate themselves to it, what implications does this have for those who choose not to? Is freedom in such an environment then only attainable at the cost of conformity? The outlines of a domain-state such as Libertyville@Esperantia can arguably be seen already today. It’s a place where borders can be drawn anytime for any number of reasons: economic, cultural, ideological or theological, for example. It’s a place where the collective WE easily feels threatened by some vague apparition which differs disturbingly from the mainstream: THEM. It’s a place where a system or elements of its society claim possession of exclusive wisdom or an irrefutable logic which remains hidden to outsiders, real or perceived. It’s a place where the simple act of asking questions can undermine a collective form of enlightened happiness. And where a crudely rational, populist state is endowed with the authority to enforce a common standard of everything from civil liberties to happiness.” © 2012 Published 2012 by August von Goethe Literaturverlag, Frankfurt am Main | ISBN-10: 3837211134 | ISBN-13: 978- 3837211139


Paperback – 2015

Short description

“The text and prose contained in this collection goes back in time as far as the early 1980s. Some of the texts contained in Nightscapes from Afar are coolly-distant observations which could serve as the vehicle for a pop song, for example, while others stand out as deeply personal. Taken together, they paint a picture in which the intensity, the gravity at the centre of the early first-person narrations is successively deconstructed, becoming something similar to pinpoints of light within the constellations of an overall much larger scheme of things. While the first-person significance may seem to diminish in this comparison, the order contained within this bigger picture benefits directly from the structure provided by each individual perspective.” ©2015

All literary content presented on this website has been


In the event that you wish to make use of any of the material displayed, I will try to be as accommodating as possible. Inquiries regarding possible publishing of material in its entirety or excerpts thereof are always welcome. For details, please contact me directly at
tomasz tatum   |   |   +49 871 975 06 793  LEGAL DISCLOSURE   |   DATA PROTECTION 
Excerpt: Nightscapes from Afar (English)